Achieving 1.5 C-through circular packaging and business models

1. Welcome and Introduction

  • Peter Bakker, CEO and President, WBCSD 

2. Opening Keynote

  • Gonzalo Munoz – Chilean High-Level Champion

3. Roundtable Discussion


  • Torbjörn Lööf, CEO of Inter IKEA Group
  • Keyvan Macedo, Head of Sustainability, Natura
  • Petar Ostojic, CEO, Neputo Pumps
  • Ulrike Sapiro, Senior Director, Global Sustainability, Coca Cola 
  • Vicente Inglada, President of CAUCE (Spanish confederation of user and consumer co-operatives)
  • Clair Kneller, Head of Food Waste and Resource Action Program (WRAP)
  • Norbert Kurilla, Slovakia State Secretary / Deputy Minister for Environment and Climate Change
  • Guillermo González, Head of the Office of Circular Economy at the Ministry of Environment, Chile
  • Dr Pere Fullana, Director of the UNESCO Chair in Life Cycle and Climate Change

4. Closing Remarks

  • Brendan Edgerton, Director, Circular Economy, WBCSD