Students Doing Goal-Oriented Science for the Sustainable Development Goals—SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy Published in COP25 by UNFCCC
Greenpoint EARTH NYC 2019 Film Premiere: Street Art Advertisements for Planet EARTH that Empower Communities to Achieve Climate Goals Published in COP25 by UNFCCC
Leveraging Blockchain Technologies for Climate Action Tracking and Enhanced Transparency Published in COP25 by UNFCCC
Adapting to Climate Change and Delivering Multiple Benefits across Sectors Published in COP25 by UNFCCC
Cornell University: Realizing the University’s Future Geothermal Heating District; Lessons Learned From Developing a Climate Change Education Program Published in COP25 by UNFCCC
Ministry of Environment and Development (Côte d'Ivoire): The Governmental Actions against Climate Change, Deforestation, Agricultural Protection and Coastal Erosion (cacao, chocolate) Published in COP25 by UNFCCC
International Society for Ecological Economics: A Seat at the Table - OverPopulation and Climate Change Published in COP25 by UNFCCC
MPGCA Land Use: Maximizing the contribution of land use to a 1.5 C climate neutral and resilient world Published in COP25 by UNFCCC