Technology Executive Commitee 17

Technology Executive Committee

Seventeenth meeting

25–28 September 2018

Bonn, Germany

1. Opening of the meeting.

2. Organizational matters:

(a) Adoption of the agenda;

(b) Organization of work;

(c) Membership matters.

3. Update on relevant meetings, events and initiatives:

(a) Outcomes of the Bonn climate change conference of May 2018 and the Bangkok climate change conference of September 2018; [presentation]

(b) Regional events organised by the TEC in 2018;

(c) Outlook of the Katowice climate change conference of December 2018;

(d) Technology Facilitation Mechanism;

(e) Others.

4. Matters relating to the Climate Technology Centre and Network. [presentation]

5. Implementation of the rolling workplan for 2016-2018:

(a) Technology needs assessments;

(b) Climate technology financing;

(c) Technologies for mitigation;

(d) Technologies for adaptation;

(e) Innovation and research, development and demonstration;

(f) Emerging and cross-cutting issues.

6. Communication and outreach activities. [presentation 1] [presentation 2]

7. Monitoring and evaluation of the impacts of the work of the TEC.

8. Joint annual report of the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network for 2018:

(a) Key messages and recommendations of the Technology Executive Committee to the Conference of the Parties; [part 1] [part 2: report back 1] [part 3: report back 2]

(b) Report on activities and performance of the Technology Executive Committee; [part1] [part 2] [part 3] [presentation]

(c) Joint chapter of the joint annual report.

9. Inputs of the TEC to the Talanoa Dialogue. [part 1] [part 2] [presentation]

10.  Possible elements of the rolling workplan of the Technology Executive Committee for 2019-2021. [presentation]

11. Other matters.

12. Dates and venue of the next meetings.

13. Closure of the meeting.